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How often do I have to add salt to my water softener?

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing tech arrived for adding salt to water softener in ClearwaterThere is nothing like a water softener to make you forget that you live in an area with hard water. Indeed, these incredibly handy appliances can make a huge difference in the everyday lives of homeowners. However, water softeners must be cared for and maintained if owners want them to last for the long haul.

How Does My Water Softener Work?

Your water softener works thanks to a procedure referred to as ion exchange. Basically, the hard water enters the softener tank, which is full of resin beads. These beads are enrobed in sodium ions, which change place with the magnesium and calcium ions in the hard water. Now, with the new sodium ions in place instead of the original dissolved minerals, the water has been softened. As time goes by, the resin beads in your softener will eventually become weighted down with the magnesium and calcium. You will need to reintroduce sodium ions in order to make sure that the device continues working properly.

How Often Should I Check My Brine Tank?

The brine tank, which is one of the most crucial components of the water softener, should be checked once a month. The general rule of thumb is to keep it filled halfway with salt, so if you see that levels have dipped below this, you will want to add salt. And if you have any questions about your softener or brine tank in general, you may want to chat with a team member at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing — just to ensure that you are following all of the procedures correctly.

How Much Salt Does My Water Softener Need?

If you have a larger household — six people or more — you can safely bet on having to add 40 pounds of salt every month. A household of four people, meanwhile, can expect to go through the same amount of salt within two months. A household with one or two people can expect to go through a 40-pound bag of salt every three months or so. The harder your water is, the more often you will need to add salt to your softener. Due to the latest technology, a newer water softener may not need as many salt infusions as an older softener. Check to see if your softener boasts automatic regeneration benefits.

Tips to Keep in Mind

Keeping your brine tank clean is of the utmost importance. From time to time, you’ll want to purify the tank, removing the sediment and dirt. Also, remember that it is possible to become too overzealous with adding the salt. Overfilling your tank can be just as bad as not filling it up enough, so be careful. Because you want the best for your water softener and its longevity, using high-quality salt is of the utmost importance. Many water softener owners purchase salt pellets for this reason.

The Signs You Need to Add Salt

If you suddenly start feeling like your soap isn’t lathering anymore — and that your skin is dry when you step out of the shower — it probably means that your softener is low in salt. Also, if your home has been really busy recently — whether you’ve hosted a bunch of guests or thrown a big party — remember that you may need to add some salt. It’s just a matter of being vigilant. You may even want to consider adding a calendar reminder to your phone for a monthly salt check-up. Your water softener does a lot to improve your quality of life. All it takes are a few simple steps to keep it running in optimal condition.