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What are the most energy efficient water heaters?

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing tech arrived to install efficient water heater in clearwaterA reliable supply of hot water can help you manage household tasks like laundry and dishwashing much more effectively. Making sure you have enough hot water for showers and baths is also essential for your family in Clearwater, Florida. Choosing the most energy-efficient water heater can save you money while ensuring that you have the hot water needed to meet all your needs. The professional plumbers at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing can provide you with information about your water heater options and can help you decide on a water heater that is precisely right for you and your family.

What Are the Types of Water Heaters?

Water heaters can be categorized by the type of heating they provide, their size or capacity, and the type of fuel or power they use. Some of the most common types of water heaters found in our area include the following:

  • Conventional tank-style water heaters were the industry standard for many years. These water heating systems use a large tank to hold water, which is then heated continuously throughout the day and night to provide a ready supply of hot water for your home. The capacity of storage water heaters is measured in gallons the tank can hold.
  • Tankless water heaters produce hot water on demand by heating water directly before it is delivered to faucets and other fixtures inside your Clearwater home. Because water is heated only on demand, the capacity of tankless systems is measured in gallons per minute produced by the system rather than gallons a tank can hold.
  • Solar water heaters connect with solar collector panels that absorb the sun’s rays and transfer the heat collected to water that is then stored in an insulated tank. As the water circulates into and out of the tank, water heats up to the appropriate temperature and can be used for household needs.
  • Heat pump systems are designed to extract heat and to transfer it where it is needed. In Clearwater homes, a heat pump water heater can use the heat extracted from indoor air to create a ready supply of hot water for you and your family.

Finding the right energy-efficient water heater can be a real challenge. At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, we offer practical recommendations and installation services to help you enjoy the most reliable service from your home water heater.

Factors in Choosing the Right Water Heater for Your Clearwater Home

When selecting your new water heater, you should keep a few key considerations in mind:

  • Size and capacity: Before purchasing a new water heater, you will need to determine the appropriate size of the hot water storage tank or the gallons-per-minute capacity you and your family need. Your plumber can evaluate your water needs and can provide you with a clear recommendation on the right size for your needs. In general, a 40 or 50-gallon tank system is adequate for two or three people. That same family of three will usually need a tankless system that can heat seven to nine gallons of water per minute to accommodate their needs.
  • Fuel or power source: Depending on your home’s existing configuration, you may already have a preferred type of fuel or power for your new water heater. Some of the most popular options for powering these appliances include electricity, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Your plumber can help you determine whether changing your power source and installing the hookups needed for a different power source will make sense for you and your family.
  • Available space: Tankless systems take up much less space than storage tank water heaters. If you have limited space in your utility room or basement, replacing a large water tank with a tankless water heater could be a space-saving option for you in your Clearwater home.
  • Initial cost of installation: Some of the most efficient options for water heaters can be somewhat expensive to purchase and install. Some of the most efficient options may also require additional plumbing services to install. Weighing the cost of these systems and installation requirements against the overall savings expected on heating water for your home can help you make the most cost-effective choice for yourself and your family.
  • Operating costs: The most important reason to invest in an energy-efficient water heater for most families is the long-term savings on utility costs. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, water heaters expend about 18 percent of the energy used in the average home. Taking steps to reduce the energy costs of your water heater can help you enjoy reliable hot water at a lower cost throughout the life of your system.

Working with a qualified and knowledgeable plumber is the best way to determine the most energy-efficient and practical options for water heaters in Clearwater, Florida. Your plumber will weigh all the relevant factors to provide you with a system that works for your needs.

Why Choose an Energy-Efficient Water Heater?

The right water heater will deliver reliable hot water for you and your family while costing you less in utility costs every month. This can put more money in your pocket for other expenses and a few little luxuries. Expending less energy to heat water for your home is also good for the environment. By using less energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint to a considerable degree. Finally, a new water heater will provide you with real peace of mind and a significantly lower risk of breakdowns for this vital system in your Clearwater home.

The Right Plumbers Make a Difference

At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, we offer a full lineup of plumbing services that include water heater replacement and repair. Our team is here to help you with all your plumbing needs whether you need minor repairs or a full pipe replacement project. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our friendly and experienced plumbers. We look forward to the chance to serve you.