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How often do homes need to be repiped?

Ben Franklin Plumber Male Technician with VanYou’re not alone if you’ve asked yourself, “How often do homes need repiping?” Many Florida homeowners have wondered the same. Knowing more about plumbing repiping can help you make an educated decision about whether the service is ideal for you now or whether it can hold off a little longer.

How Often Do Homes Need to Be Repiped?

Unfortunately, there’s no cut-and-dry answer to this question. Multiple factors play a role in its answer, such as the material the plumbing system is made of, its quality, and how well you’ve been maintaining it. However, it will typically last for decades.

What Are Some Signs My Home Needs Repiping?

Your plumbing system will give you signs when it likely needs repiping. For instance, visible corrosion on the pipes, frequent or constant leaks, discolored water, terrible water pressure, inconsistent water pressure, and strange sounds are only some of the many indicators that your Clearwater home needs a new plumbing system.

When Is the Best Time of Year to Do Repiping?

We do repiping any time of the year in Clearwater, Florida. However, the best time of the year to do a whole-home repiping is typically in spring or summer. The further it gets into the year, the busier everyone seems to be, including with entertaining at home.

This puts a heavier strain on the pipes, which could exacerbate an already weakened plumbing system, putting it at risk for worsening issues. Repiping during spring or summer lets you go into the end of the year with a brand-new plumbing system that can handle much more than your current system.

Do I Need Repiping If I’m Not Experiencing Plumbing Issues?

Unfortunately, your plumbing system won’t encounter the “Benjamin Button” effect. The older it gets, the more issues it will experience. If your system is already at least a few decades old, you’ll likely start noticing problems sooner rather than later. It’s better to get home repiping done at your leisure instead of waiting for an emergency to determine that you have to.

Contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Clearwater, Florida, For Repiping Information

Call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing today for information about whole-home repiping at your Clearwater, Florida, home. We’ll schedule an appointment for a consultation so you’ll have a clearer idea about the state of your home’s plumbing system and how long you have – if any time, at all – to do repiping before issues worsen.